Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

Always be willing to walk away

Written by Todd Hockenberry | Jan 12, 2010

“Always be willing to walk away” is a cliché we have all heard and practiced to some degree or another over our business and car buying careers. You wouldn’t think that this saying is someone’s law, corollary, or unique creation – you would be wrong.

I just finished Negotiation Boot Camp by Ed Brodow and the author claims the above cliché as his “law of negotiation” and names it as such. He calls it Brodow’s Law.

My point here is not to argue the merits of whether this is his law or someone else’s or no one’s – my fascination with his Law lies in the fact that he is repeating what everyone has already heard and knows to be true.  Throw in some real world examples and some lists of tactics, and the result is a decent book on basic negotiation skills.

What do you know that you are not sharing? Do you have something you are good at or that works well for you? Who can you share it with?

What about your customers? What can you help them with?

Are you a good prospector for new leads? Share your secrets with you customers – they need more leads too!

Are you good at follow up? Share your time management tips and organizational tools with clients in a newsletter article.

Everyone that I know that reads this blog (thank you very much by the way) has a tremendous amount to offer – I challenge each of you to think differently about how you offer it.

You never know, maybe there is a Law waiting to be named after you.