Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

Manufacturing Workforce Development Playbook

Written by Todd Hockenberry | Oct 06, 2014

When it comes to the manufacturing workforce development crisis, any plan that is put into place to address this crisis must address the needs and perspectives of all of the players. These players include those in the industry, the education system, and the government. Each of these players has a very unique perspective, unique needs, and a unique understanding of the manufacturing workforce development crisis and any solution must take each of these perspectives into account.

Keith S. Campbell, a 30 year industry veteran, has entered into this complicated industry issue the Manufacturing Workforce Development Playbook: Preparing for the Manufacturing Renaissance in America.

The Manufacturing Workforce Development Playbook balances the varied perspectives and needs across this issue with consummate skill. Designed to facilitate communication and understanding, the Playbook offers readers viable solutions, advice, and analysis of the manufacturing workforce development crisis.

The Playbook takes readers through the manufacturing workforce development crisis, it's root causes, and a range of solutions pulled from every aspect of the crisis. Download this free resource and learn how we can address the manufacturing workforce development crisis.