Sales and Marketing Blog | Todd Hockenberry

Getting Salespeople to Believe in an Inbound Marketing Strategy

Written by Todd Hockenberry | Dec 14, 2012

The Collaborative Growth Network (Co-Grow) published a post I wrote about how to convince your salespeople that an inbound marketing strategy is an effective way to generate leads and convert them to sales.

The foundation of inbound marketing is content creation, which salespeople are pretty sure they hate. What most salespeople don't realize is that they are already doing all the hard work of content creation. Creating great content really boils down to knowing the ins and out of your product/service and having answers to the questions your customers and prospects are asking. All the emails, phone calls, and training salespeople are all ready creating/having/attending  are content in disguise.

Check out Get Salespeople to Embrace Inbound Marketing and Grow Your Business on the Collaborative Growth Blog to find out how salespeople should be engaging with prospects and publicizing their content.