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Posted by Todd Hockenberry ● Sep 14, 2015

5 Reasons to Blog and Get Manufacturing Revenue Growth

We've talked about why blogging is an important step in the marketing process before.  We've also made a habit of convincing our small manufacturing clients that it's worthwhile because it leads to manufacturing revenue growth. So why am I climbing back up on the blogging soap box again?

It's simple, I still hear, with alarming frequency, that blogging is too much work. I get that, I really do. Everyone is busy, especially if you're running a business, but the impact that a blog can make is too big to let it slide.

Not convinced? Here are 5 compelling reasons to kick start your blog writing:

  1. Blog frequency impacts customer acquisition. 92% of companies who blogged multiple times a day acquired a customer through their blog[1]
  2. 57% of marketers acquired customers from blogging [2]
  3. Companies that blog 15+ per month get 5x more traffic than companies that don’t blog[3]
  4. Companies that increase blogging from 3-5x/month to 6-8x/month almost double their leads[4]
  5. An average company will see a 45% growth in traffic when increasing total blog articles from 11-20 to 21-50 [5]

And if cold, hard stats aren't enough to drive the point home take a look at this:


So if you're struggling to find motivation to write, consider this your kick in the pants. 

[1] HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing, 2012[2] HubSpot State of Inbound Marketing, 2012[3] HubSpot Marketing Benchmarks from 7,000 Businesses[4] HubSpot Marketing Benchmarks from 7,000 Businesses[5] HubSpot Marketing Benchmarks from 7,000 Businesses

 are you ready to take your inbound marketing to the next level? let us help!

Topics: Marketing, Manufacturing
